Since April 2014, the Immigration Office has been receiving messages from different people via our email account and facebook page – messages asking mainly for help to immigrate to Germany. Some of them described scenarios which were difficult for us to grasp and dragged us into a wider political conversation, where we had to ask ourselves ethical and political questions concerning our responsibility and influence as artists and citizens. We reacted promptly by answering these letters with official information about asylum in Germany according to the country of origin or the context of the letter. 

Nevertheless, we believe that one of our roles in this complex scenario is to give visibility to these stories that are dropped at us as messages, which easier than a human body, reach their existence among us in Germany.

Here in this page we open them to the public. An archive that unfortunately keeps on growing and which we believe must be visible. When an art project unintentionally enacts within a sociopolitical system and is asked to perform on demand. It is hard for us to measure the levels of change that we can bring to this wide topic, but we hope that by pointing out our unexpected contact with these stories and making them visible we may serve at least as a signal, a lighthouse that can be accessed by other structures with other kinds of influence on immigration concerns. 

Built with Berta